Dogs can also dig on empty terrain, which will lower their hygiene motive and leave a hole that must be manually filled in. A Sim can take a dog for a walk, which will relieve its bladder need. Sims can play fetch with a dog, or can play a razzle game with it. Wolves can be bred with dogs.Īfter a dog becomes an adult, a Sim can stroke the dog, rub its belly, or feed it a treat. Other than the pack leader, they can be adopted like other strays. The wolves that are sometimes seen wandering the neighborhood, including the leader of the pack whose bite creates werewolves, are a variation of large dog.

Aside from that, small and large dogs are treated the same. A small dog will live for 25 days as an adult, while a large dog will be an adult for 22 days. A dog's size affects how long its adult life stage will last. Regardless of breed, all small dogs are the same size, as are all large dogs. In Pets, dogs come in two sizes: small and large. Players can also get a pet dog in Apartment Life by buying the pet cage in the pets section of buy mode, although these dogs are "decorative", and are considered as small pets. Sims can adopt dogs or puppies using the phone, by buying them on community lots that sell pets, or by forming a friendship with a stray dog and adopting them. In The Sims 2: Pets, dogs may be created in the Create a Pet section of Create a Sim. You can help The Sims Wiki by expanding this section.

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